Seventeenth, the number that I shall remember the most. This is the date where everything begins between me and him. This date always bring me back to the memories that we shared and we sailed with each other for the past few years. Which to be exact it had been 4 years and 2 months today. Coincidence, he called around midnight as what he always did. But the date had been reminded each of us to just recalled back all the memories. To remember each and everything sweet and loveable moments that we had, so much that I would not and I hope I will not forget every single thing. But the sad things, the mistakes that I had done overwhelmed the love that we shared and cherish together. The wrong steps that I had took had put this relationship to the wall and cracked. Like glass slammed on the wall. What else can I say about this relationship? Never end? He did put the full stop the other day. But I did told him that he can never be replaced. He still contacted me like usual, we still ...