Life Essay

Well hello everyone! 

Greetings from the office PC! :D

It's been awhile since the last post right? *like I do have any readers* HAHA. Lots of thing happened in my entire life. Where shall I begin? Too much to talk about as this had changed my life and my thought and also my entire mood! Sounds so happy? YES I AM! On your mart, get set.. GO!

Myself ; I had went through one major operation in my entire life. I had never been in one before this. After all, it is just minor operation in the hospital. Of course! It takes less than one hour to be inside the Operation Theatre and more than 2 months to be fully recovered! Sigh. The one that I talked about is Tonsil Operation. This freaking thing had live in my throat since God knows when. When tonsil food dietary is not followed, that is what happen, it's getting bigger and that's one of the reason why I still keep having high temperature fever. When it is more than few times in one month, doctor in the clinic had suggest me to refer to the hospital. Yeah! On the 15th Ramadhan, I had been admitted and on the 06 August, I had gone through the freaking operation. Took less than one hour and once I open my eyes, it had been removed! Sigh. Painful like hell. Like I know how the hell feels like. Lots of things I had faced during 6 days in the hospital. Whereby both of my parents, both of my bestfriends and also the peoples that do have the affect in my life. I can't never finish thank to all of you that take good care of me during that time. It do showed how much I can count on someone and everyone. It is not I'm comparing on that only but somehow, that is where you can see it right? So sorry if others do feel like it's inappropriate. Then there's go my healing process. One month of MC. Sounds so good right? But, that is the time where I do think about work. How much it is important to me and life, that is the time I'm seeing it. So called MUHASABAH DIRI. Well, I always take some of work given for granted. Playful and do not care. But, one month of being at home, it do make me feel the other way of it. Not as easy as how anyone want it to be. The trust that people had put on us and anyhow, you have to portray it the way it should be. That's what I learned. After come back, here I am in the company, trying to better. Pray for me dear friends!

Love ; READ THIS PROPERLY! PLEASE. My dearly Muhammad Hafiz, MINE!! Then again, Allah had a better way to make us realize that how much we need each other in this life. Alhamdulillah! I can't never be happier than what had happened between us. Up until this moment, we are like how we used to. Loving each other again. Care, warmth feelings of the love been felt again. All these that we shared, used to be memories and yet now we are in love again. Love words, missing each other *because he is that far*; even get back to the dreams that we want to end this life together. All those had become the dream again. Not the dream that had left broken without fulfilling it. Praying hard for these not to be only words left without unspoken, whoever is reading this, please send your prayers for us. I'll shall appreciate and thank you my whole life. Maybe for some of you this will be too much drama or attentions that I need but from what I had been through with him, yes. I do need everyone prayers to be with me. The other day, he admitted that he could not love other person like how he love me. Ya Allah, nothing is even more worth it that having him saying all those right in my ears through phone and back together with him. After all searching for someone that really I need in this life, I found out that he is the only one and hoping this is the same for him. Forever is my promise till death do us apart. InsyaAllah, NO ONE ELSE other than you CINTA. I shall cherish this forever for my life. 

Lots of things happened towards me and life in these few moths includes the UNEXPECTED proposal that I had from one of the client recently during Aidilfitri. Not so much that I wanted to talk to because I had been trying to forget it too. Not important AT ALL because this person will never EVER have the place in my life. Someone that want to make me the forth wife for the sake of he love me without even knowing me? That's bullshit. Sorry for the words but true. No one fall in love without knowing each other right. Sucks. OK let's end this because it annoys me much. LOL.

There you go. Tired reading this and that? Well, that's what happen when you had been keeping it in drafts after few weeks! Thanks for reading! Have a good day even your mood is swinging. HAHA. 

Daughter of MR Johari bin Yahya and yes, she fall in LOVE yet still ayah's stubborn daughter! 


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