Pre & Post Birthday Celebration

Who the hell gave me this idea. I mean to wrote this Pre & Post. Sounds like a wedding post here. Might look like one. But hey, it's my birthday that I'm talking about. Lets see what else that I can wrote it about. 

PRE BIRTHDAY, which fall a day before the birthday date; 14 Oct. I went out with my dearly "lesbian" partner to find stuffs in Ikea. Went there and end up we hang out with other friends also. After some walkout and go round and round, end up I got my favourite cake! Sponge cheese cake! SO happy! Even it's not that expensive like what other people want, it is THAT nice OK. Special thanks to my ex colleague and her friend. Appreciate it so much! I really love it. Hugs. This was unexpected and so did they come over at the first place. 

POST BIRTHDAY! This is the amazing one so far. Me and best friend went for Grand Lexis PD. Like how we always did. Pleasuring ourselves after one great escapes to another. This time the Grand Lexis is our choice. Comes with private pool in every room, we did enjoyed it very much. Worth paying I should say. Everything in the hotel do satisfy our needs. Indeed, that is how she arranged such of sweet surprise belated birthday celebration in the room! 

This is how she planned it, after all done, she told me this. She asked me to jump in the pool and hang around while she asked weather to have any dessert send in the room since we are pleasuring ourselves. Then there goes my choice, Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. Very tempting. So while she is on the phone at that time, I did not suspect anything. Seriously, I did came sit next to her and still taking pictures. Still, I did not expect anything. After we hang around the pool, swim, dance like crazy, took pictures etc etc. Comes the people knocked the door, she ran to the door and I ran the other side since I just because I am wearing something improper. Then she took quite a time at the door. After few minutes, tadaaa! My God. Such of sweet moments that I ever received in my whole life! Thanks Raja Puteri NurNisaa, you had done so much to me. Appreciate everything that you had done. Thank you so much. Me love you best friend. Forever.

Friends, and this is what they had gave to me in on my birthday months. Love much.


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