Love and other things

Hey all! 

THEN AGAIN. It's been awhile! There's lots of thing that happen which I should arrange it in proper way to explain everything. Which way I shall explain it, we shall see. I could not recall everything in details as I am not the person who can remember things exactly. One thing that I know is I am moving to another phase of my life soon. Not that very soon but in within few more weeks insyaAllah. 

Dear Lovely People, 

After reading all over again in my blog. All the posts that had been stated here. I had realized how much ups and downs that I had been through with him. The love of my life. He had been such a dearly and even such a jerk last time. But Alhamdulillah after all that we had been through, Allah had put His fate to us. 

We will get ENGAGED people! In few more weeks. Everything is in the mist to complete. What else can I say? I'm speechless when one day in the phone call he said let's get married. Yet the next week his parents come and asked for my hands from my parents. It happened! The thing that I thought it is just a dream that will never come true back then. It DO COME TRUE! In such, I can never say anything else except Alhamdulillah for what He had gave me. The love of my life. The person who had become so much to me after my parents. He had showed me how to love and live with the one we love the most. Date had been set and the time will come soon. I'm just someone who don't think that I deserve all those at one point. But Allah had better plan for me. He knows the best at one person. 

I'm happy more than the ordinary as that news was not the only one I had. More. I and my dearly best friend had opened and yet make it known to others. We had opened the Der Susse which a dessert maker company. Me as usual make the cake and Red Velvet is a definite choice. *well. knowing that I only can make those at the moment* What else can we say, the passion had made us in such and we want to let the rest taste what me made best to others. Cookies and brownies even bread and butter pudding she made it to sell it the others. See. She have such of art to bake and it turns out well. After opened up the company which had not been registered yet, we had built our own flyers, name cards and also small little thing to make us recognizable. Do visit us : :)

Last but not least, I am now working in the travel agent company as our small little company is still can't support us in monetary for one month. Thus I had decided to put the baking wise as the side income for me. Well, travel is still my passion. Working makes me opened up mind to progress and building network also one of the reason to come back to the line. I am happy and thankful for all that Allah had arrange for me. Nothing else other than Alhamdulillah. I'm happy. 

Afternoon and this is my update from the last time. Loves.


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