
hebat gila bila lama nak mati tak update blog. WHATSSSS UPPP. hahaha.

life. its ruining. what else can i say? dh mmg ruin. sigh. up's and down's buat jadi DOWN memanjang. life kan. what else can i say. oh yeah. 4 years of relationship pun boleh RUIN jugak. hebat x? haha. what to do? things happened. just accept the way it is la kan? boleh sape2 ubah what happened? so yeah.

work wise. IDK. gila kau tatau. ish ish ish. currently dekat travel agent after 8 months struggle dkt hotel life. hebat. never had this kind of working imagination. haha. nampak sgt pemalas dia mcm mana kan kan? but kalau pikir balik, this is the time that i met all those kind of people yg bermcm ragam. which by the end of the day, aku sendiri boleh kenang mcm2. haha.

love life. A LOT. explains kan? every single thing that happened. tayah la bgtau kot. but deep inside me, dah mcm novel hati aku nie. haha. segala plan, segala susah payah tak berbaloi bila dia ckp, "dah tak sayang". weyh, easy gila. if only i have such of bravery yg boleh aku ckp cmtu je. ish ish ish. done with him, i knew this one guy. to be exact, my bestfriend ex bf. kau gila. yes i am. that time je la. thought that i can go through and live happily ever after. end up, yeay! aku ditinggalkn lagi sekali. this time that guy so honest to tell me that he can't love me. done. aku boleh move on cmtu je kan. kau gila. i need time either. bkn senang aku nk lupa kan cmtu je. then come this guy. my very own senior last time in high school. ok nie nak kene bukak perenggan baru. miahaha.

Encik Q. yes u. aku contact balik ngn dia pun from BBM. canggih kan dunia nie sekarang. haha. but hey. at the very first, dia hanya nak jaga aku katanya. nak tau aku pegi mana. dgn sapa. balik dgn sape ape jadah sume xtvt hidup aku la cita dia. mula2 mmg aku rasa amat lah pelik. why? why me? dia kata sbb dia anggap aku mcm adik dia. FINE. aku terima je la mcm tu. chat sana sini pelbagai2,,all of the sudden dia bgtau dia suka aku pulak dah. after all that happened, kau rasa aku boleh ke terima senang2 je? sudah aku bilang. *camne kira sheep mlm2*, give me time etc etc. dia dok la yakin kan aku utk terima dia dlm life dia. JANJI? PELBAGAI. Ape saje janji yg dia xckp? END UP. Yes. AKU TERIMA *engkonon mcm best* abudan, mcm happy la cite dia. aku jujur susah utk aku syg dia. bila aku lebih2, dia plak yg diam. dia plak yg buat tatau ngn aku. dey! aku mmg SUKA dibuat cmni. sebelum dapat, boleh plak contact sana sini kan. MAKE IT SHORT, aku dah tade pape ngn dia. enough. there is something yg dia mintak yg buat aku rasa melamapu. baru 10 hari dah mcm2 ke? =.= ok tutup kes. *rein2, kau ingat kau hot?*



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